Picture this: You’ve gotten past the initial messages and found someone you want to actually meet in person – nice work! But this is just the beginning. Plans need to be made, and the location of your first date sets the tone of your meeting. Continue reading →
Breaking Up Is Hard: 4 Ways to Make Ending Things Easier
Their profile looked promising, their messages were intriguing, and you were really excited to finally meet. But a few dates later, things don’t seem to be clicking. It’s clear that your relationship’s not going anywhere, and you’d rather move on than waste anymore of your Continue reading →
10 Foodie First Dates
On a quest to find the best foodie date? Don’t sweat it. Not to be confused with the more snobbish gourmet, a foodie is someone who has passion, love, and knowledge about the foods they eat and the dining choices they make. They’re also some of the best company Continue reading →
Dating and Emojis: The How-To Guide
Figuring out the best way to communicate with a new love interest is always tricky. There’s a lot of questions you need answered, like will they understand your sarcastic text messages? Are they for or against workday g-chat convos? And what’s their stance on late Continue reading →