It’s Monday, and even though we all wish we were still in bed, the real world beckons. The best we can hope for is a mid-day nap, but if you can’t sneak one in, here are some fuzzy tracks that almost sound like a dream. Continue reading →
Monday’s Mix: Farewell Blues
It’s my opinion that genius stems from misery, so even though the economy sucked in the 30s, the music was golden. Here are some tunes that helped people shake off their blues, and toss their troubles to the moon. Continue reading →
Monday’s Mix: Azúcar
I spent a good chunk of my childhood listening to Spanish ballads, so it’s no wonder that I’m now a textbook sentimentalist. Here are some tracks that mesh my fondness for twee music with the love songs of my youth. Continue reading →
We Open Our Doors to Transgender, Queer and Non-Binary!
Last month, I wrote that Mesh won’t put anyone in a box by limiting their gender and sexuality options, and we’ve stuck to our word. Our pre-beta doors opened two weeks ago, and because we built our site with everyone in mind, our users can identify as queer and transgender. And Continue reading →
Monday’s Mix: Little League
In 2001, Myspace and Photobucket tarnished the term emo by making it synonymous with eyeliner and bleeding heart GIFs. But in the 90s, the music was emotive without the frills. Here are some tracks that’ll take you back to when the Kinsella brothers were moniker-hopping Continue reading →
Monday’s Mix: Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Inside all of us is a kid who just wants to eat candy, read comics, and listen to songs about their crush. Well, maybe that’s just me. But if you’ve ever cried while listening to music, then you’ve also got a case of the feels, Continue reading →
Monday’s Mix: Summertime
Summer’s almost here, and after a gruesome winter that seemed like it’d never end, scalding heat is a welcomed change. So whip out some shorts, and after you’re done gawking at your pale legs, hit the beach. Or if you’re landlocked, put your fan on Continue reading →