I went on a date recently. It’s my first date in an open relationship! This was extremely exciting. I’m still excited about it. Honestly, my first inclination was to have my boyfriend *Jihoon come over and help me pick out an outfit. If I could Continue reading →
Summer Date Duffel! Everything You Need to Date this Summer
I’m a winter person. I like bundling up in a warm sweater and sipping hot cocoa and snuggling and all that good stuff. I can still like summer for what it’s worth, though, mosquitos and all! I’m going on a lot of first dates these Continue reading →
Walking A Thin, Slutty Line
Okay first of all, I am using the word “slutty” here in a totally sex-positive way. I mean it in a SlutWalk, I can wear what I want, I can have sex if I want just like a man can kind of way. My boyfriend Continue reading →
7 Signs It’s Time For A Date With Your Girls
Oh my God! I’m sick of dating! Nooooo. No that’s not true. I’m sick of dating guys who don’t really excite me beyond some nice arms or kissy lips or something. I did have a really nice date recently! “Sam” and I ate some Greek Continue reading →
Love with a Mismatched Sex Drive
I love my boyfriend. Just so you know, he’s going to read this, so don’t think that I’m going behind his back or anything (hi baby!) Jihoon and I have so much fun together. For our six month anniversary recently, he bought a cork memory board Continue reading →