Ah, first dates. A necessary evil for all of us who never want to go on another again — so don’t blow it.
Nah, we kid. Relax and have fun, afterall you’re sussing them out too. That being said, there are some very human errors that may happen in that tiny window between stranger and possible romantic partner that could shoot you in the foot before it even gets out the door. Thankfully, we’ve provided a few ways to swoop in and be your own savior when a first meeting with someone promising is beginning to look like to may be your last.
ERROR #1: Lateness Hovering Around The Half Hour Mark With No Text Or Call
Hey, it happens. But we trust that you’re normally the type to shoot a text or make a call, right?. However, there are extraneous situations that don’t allow for such luxuries so if you’re rolling in mega late to a first date, why not roll out a slightly cheesy red carpet? Pick up a rose from the corner deli, apologize profusely and get the waiter/bartender to do something sweet like bring a special dessert or go ahead and order them the $25 glass of champagne (or whatever strikes their fancy).
ERROR #2: You Go From Party Animals to Sparring Political Animals
So you’re a full-fledged Obamacare supporter and your date think the president’s plan is the absolute worst thing to happen to this country. Awkward… maybe. If the difference in political opinions is enough for you to laugh it off, listen and learn or eschew political debates on dates, then regale him or her on The Law of Physics — opposites do attract. Then remind them that all it takes are analogous *core* values to have a harmonious relationship… regardless of who you vote for on election day.
ERROR #3: You Haven’t Shut Up Since You Sat Down
Uh oh. It’s a half hour into the date and you barely know a thing about them. If you think you’re stories and soliloquies have been so charming that this oversight has gone unnoticed, you’re gravely, gravely mistaken, my friend. The best thing to do now is stop where you are and make a U-turn back to them. Ask their thoughts on whatever it was you were yammering on about, if they have any vacations planned or piggyback off something on their profile (you read it, right?).
ERROR #4: Your Choice of Date Location, In a Word, Sucks.
So that art opening you hoped would make you look really intellectual turned out to be a display of erotic, smutty photography that’s all kinds of uncomfortable. Or that really great tapas place you’ve been raving about all week stopped serving food an hour ago and, by the way, they’re out of Sangria. What to do? Turn the next location into a game. Have them pick a letter and find a place nearby place that begins with that letter.
ERROR #5: Whoops – You Get Their Name Wrong.
Ouch. Lie, lie and lie some more. Say you were just testing to make sure they were paying attention and add in a wink and smile. Good luck!
ERROR #6 – One Minute You’re Strutting, The Next You’re Face Down on The Concrete
Barring any significant injuries, turn this into your first inside joke. Why not make it a running meme, reference it when you text the next day and turn it into some slapstick humor for you two to bond over. And haven’t you heard — awkward can be endearing… and sexy! Just look at Jennifer Lawrence.