I’m a culturally Catholic agnostic, one of the millions of confirmed former papists who likes Christmas hymns but thinks we could do without the whole Jesus thing. Seventeen years (!) of Catholic education have left me still uncomfortable taking the name of the Lord in Continue reading →
Judge That Man By His Schnauzer
Ah, romance. The blood rushes to the cheeks, the palms flutter to perhaps clutch a lover’s for the first time, the bull terrier savagely mangles the chihuahua. Whaaa? I am immediately suspicious of anyone who owns a dog that occasionally gets on the news for mauling. Continue reading →
Love, Apology and Forgiveness
Zeke’s an improv buddy of mine I treasure for his weirdness, a quality which somehow manages to be both relentless and endearing. He’s someone who always comes at an issue from an unexpected angle, which makes him both an excellent improviser and someone whose opinion I seek Continue reading →
No Thanks, Let’s Not Get It On.
During my run the other day, a song came onto my Pandora station, Let’s Marvin Gaye and Get it On. It’s hella catchy, featuring the awesome Meghan Trainor. I couldn’t help but pay attention to the lyrics. Essentially, it takes inspiration from the incomparable Marvin Gaye Continue reading →
Podcasts for your Dating Smarts: No NPR Edition
You’ve got a problem. You’ve started on the path Podcast Nerdom, but it feels like the road has run out and you don’t know where to go now. Is NPR all that exists in the world?! Don’t get me wrong, I love NPR. In Part Continue reading →
Podcasts: Staying Smart on the Run
Ah, the California drought. Something… about… the California drought. Your date asked you a cutting question about the water resource use on the West Coast and now he’s staring at you, expecting an intelligent response, and all your knowledge is crystallized from the last time Continue reading →
The Toxic Relationship Cleanse
We’ve all been there. He’s the guy you call late at night after a few too many drinks, even though you know the odds of him picking up (much less being alone), are slim. Or the one you call when you have a bad week, Continue reading →
Color Code Your Date
It’s summertime! This is that magical time of year as the memories of foot-high ice slush fade and we haven’t yet begun to gag on subway body odor. It’s movies in the park time, bike ride time, ice cream time. I have a summer bias and I hope it Continue reading →
Body Language Basics
Time to meet that sexy beast you’ve been messaging for weeks. You’re feeling pretty good about this one. Toured with a musical improv troupe AND works in a linguistics research lab? Ding-dong the bells are gonna chime! (Okay, maybe that’s only my fantasy.) Either way, the messages Continue reading →
I’m a Feminist. Buy my Drink.
Hi, sexy guy. Hooray, you’re just as cute in person as you were on Mesh! We exchanged some fun messages, and now we’re finally meeting at that neighborhood bar you or I suggested. Nice to meet you. I’m a feminist. I believe in wage equality, paid maternity leave, Continue reading →