I’m a winter person. I like bundling up in a warm sweater and sipping hot cocoa and snuggling and all that good stuff. I can still like summer for what it’s worth, though, mosquitos and all! I’m going on a lot of first dates these Continue reading →
Date Night #62: The Best Things to do This Week
So many fun activities this week! Dance it up with Gregorio Uribe’s Big Band, come see some free improv, buy some local artisanal stuff, and stuff yourself with vegetarian food! Fri 6: Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with Gregorio Uribe Big Band Ginny’s Supper Club, 310 Lenox Continue reading →
Mesh Date Night # 44: The Best Things to do This Week
Whew. Let’s all relax, New Year’s Eve is over. Did you have a good time? Are you a new person now? Hopefully so, because who wants to know that old shlub? Just kidding, never change! Personally, I’ve resolved to… do more fun New York City Continue reading →
What Their Apartment Says About Them
If things have been going well for you and your date, an invite to their personal pad is probably the next step. Sure, he may have been totally charming before, and she was nothing but cool and down-to-earth with your friends. But scoring a peek Continue reading →
Body Language Basics
Time to meet that sexy beast you’ve been messaging for weeks. You’re feeling pretty good about this one. Toured with a musical improv troupe AND works in a linguistics research lab? Ding-dong the bells are gonna chime! (Okay, maybe that’s only my fantasy.) Either way, the messages Continue reading →
Ready, Set, Date
Sun dresses, sunglasses, sweat, and dates. What do these have in common? Just a little thing I like to call summer -prime dating season. At least it was for me in my more promiscuous days when my online dating account became my little black book. Continue reading →
10 Better NYC First Date Ideas
Picture this: You’ve gotten past the initial messages and found someone you want to actually meet in person – nice work! But this is just the beginning. Plans need to be made, and the location of your first date sets the tone of your meeting. Continue reading →
How to Keep the Fireworks Alive in Your Relationship
The 4th of July may be over, but we’ve still got fireworks on the brain–just not the ones that light up the sky. Everyone who’s been in a long-term relationship knows that, after a while, the butterflies, passion, and intensity you initially experienced can go as Continue reading →
10 Foodie First Dates
On a quest to find the best foodie date? Don’t sweat it. Not to be confused with the more snobbish gourmet, a foodie is someone who has passion, love, and knowledge about the foods they eat and the dining choices they make. They’re also some of the best company Continue reading →
6 Hidden Dealbreakers and How to Spot Them
Dating someone new? Look out for these red flags to save yourself unnecessary heartbreak. We’ve all been there. Looking back, stunned, on a failed relationship… and suddenly the red flags are popping up all over. How did you not see it at the time? You Continue reading →