Okay, NOW we’re in proper summer. How can you tell? Beach volleyball! Hispanic festival! Parks ‘n Recs trivia! Okay, that last one if great whenever, but it’s still fun- so grab a buddy and head on out!
Fri 10: IRTE Presents: Last Resort
Producer’s Club, 358 W 44th St, 8:00 PM, $12
What do you think you’ll regret not doing when you’re nearing the end of your life? Never climbing Machu Picchu like all those dudes with their dating profiles? Not writing a memoir of all those Machu Picchu climbs? Not telling that dude in your improv class you thought he was pretty cute? For the seniors in IRTE’s improvised resort, they have one more chance to fulfill these last wishes, chosen by the audience. You may never get around to crossing off items from your bucket list, but these folks will!
Fri 10: Relationsh*t
QED Astoria, 27-16 23rd Ave, 9:30 – 11:00 PM, $8
Do you have those friends who describe their relationship problems and you just want to wave your hands at them to stop, stop, PLEASE STOP because sweet Lord are you not qualified to address why he doesn’t want to have sex without the dog in the room or why she won’t meet his parents unless he agrees to speak Elvish in public? This show gives up the opportunity to hear people talk about their actual relationship problems, followed by advice by a licensed therapist. Come, my fellow snoops, let us listen.
Sat 11: 116th St Festival
116th St, Harlem, 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM, Free
Where would you guess the largest Hispanic festival happens? Miami? Or LA? Or maybe somewhere like Mexico City? You’d be wrong, muchacho! It’s right here in NYC! Join Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Mexicans, Cubans, and anybody else who wants to party this Saturday with food, costumes, and of course music and dance.
Sat 11: Pour the Core: A Hard Cider Festival
Brooklyn Expo Center, 72 Noble St, $29 (discounted until they sell out)/$45
I remember the first time I had hard cider. I was in Stratford, Canada with my good friend Leslie, there for a Shakespeare festival. We were underage, but not in Canada! After we tired of apple martinis (so sophisticated) we decided to sample some Strongbow. Oh the thrill of drinking an apple-based alcoholic beverage among other lit nerd friends! These days I’m more of a beer girl (anything but stouts [unless it’s snowing]) but I still think so fondly of cider. Sample 75 different styles of cider from over 40 cider makers- I bet you’ll get warm fuzzy feelings, too.
Sun 12: Drums along the Hudson
Inwood Hill Park, Upper Manhattan, 10:00 AM- 6:00 PM, Free
Sad fact: I don’t know where to find Native American food in New York City. My friend and I recently tried to meet up for some, since I’ve been curious about trying some since watching a buzzfeed video. I’m a pretty lazy person, but I got curious and Googled after Yelp produced a diner and a few Peruvian chicken places in response to my queries. It turns out that Native American food just doesn’t really exist in NYC. That’s pretty sad, especially considering Manhattan means “island with many hills” in Lenape.
That doesn’t mean that the culture is gone, though. There’s a community house and a free museum and opportunities like this one to get to know something about the people whose ancestors were here before mine, in a deeper way, probably than my curiosity about trying those awesome-looking foods.
Sun 12: Parks ‘n Rec Trivia
Videology, 308 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, 8:00 PM, Free
Quick! What is Ann Perkin’s middle name? What brand athletic shoes does Chris Traeger wear? When is Jerry Gergich’s birthday? If you know the answer to even one of those questions, you’re better at trivia than I am. Test your wits at Videology!
Mon 13: Frontiers Lecture Series: Coloring the Universe
American Museum of Natural History, 7:30 PM, $12-$15 (discounts for members and students)
What could be more romantic than gazing at the stars with a lover? Perhaps seeing state-of-the-art photographs of our extended universe beyond the possibility of sight, explained by Astrophysicist Travis Rector.
Wed 15: AVP Beach Volleyball Tournament
Manhattan Beach Pier, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Free
A few weeks ago, I stopped abruptly on my walk through Central Park to gaze at several men playing beach volleyball. I am not lecherous in my daily life, but call me crazy, there is something so sexy about watching dudes (and ladies) fling themselves at sand in bathing suits. Want to watch three days of sand volleyball? No, of course not, you’re not crazy. But you do want to check out a few games, and it’s free, and I bet nobody will be checking to see if that’s secretly beer in your canteen. Let the summer truly begin.