We all survived Jonas! Congrats, everyone, and I hope that nobody ruined boots or fluffy socks in the battle against giant puddles of disgusting slush in the aftermath. To reward ourselves, this week’s events includes two gigantic meat festivals.
I promise next week will include something vegetarian to compensate!
FRI 29: Urban Ceremony: Meditation and Sound Journey
Lightbox, 339 W 38th St, 7:00 PM – 10:30 PM, $25
Friday is the first night of a wellness-focused weekend that acupuncture, tarot, music, and yoga. This first night features guided meditation and music, and could well be the first part of a cleansing weekend that will give you the energy you need to get through the rest of NYC’s winter.
Sat 30: Beer, Bourbon & BBQ Festival
The Tunnel, 608 West 28th Street, 5:30 – 9:30 PM, $99
I chose this photo of these musicians rather than the photo that would probably have better represented this event, an enormous pile of meat. As the website describes, this event is for super-fans of bourbon and barbecue, but I’m willing to bet that this description describes at least a few of your guys. For the price of admission, festival-goers enjoy whole hog pulled pork, a bacon eating contest, and all-you-can-taste beer and bourbon.
Tickets for all the other events on this day have sold out, so act fast! Yee-haw!
Sat 30: Benefit Show for Covenant House
Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew, 263 W 86th St, 7:00 PM – 10:45 PM, $10
I’m a lazy shmuck who wishes she would do more to help people. I’m not much of a volunteer, I’m pretty selfish with my free time, and I don’t look around to see who should get the subway seat before I snatch it with soulless tenacity.
Something I can do is support things when they’re for a good cause. This show is for an excellent cause – combating homeless and hunger – and it features excellent comedians and performers! Improv, music, hip hop and stand up sounds like a pretty fun way to help some folks out.
SUN 31: MWA Write-In @ Think Coffee
Think Coffee, 73 8th Ave, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Free
We all think we’ve got a novel in us somewhere, some interesting story that will change the way America thinks about the villain or will, at least establish us an interesting person. The difficult thing is getting that novel out. With their monthly write-ins, you can meet with other authors to chat, motivate, and be inspired by other authors of with the same ambition.
Go on, unleash your inner Sherlock!
SUN 31: Bacon Bash at the Cradle of Aviation Museum
Cradle of Aviation Museum, Charles Lindbergh Blvd, Garden City, $18
Okay, so you went to the BBQ festival and now you’re dying for more meat. I can understand! I recently didn’t get the bacon I ordered on a sandwich and it just about ruined my night. This event features tastings of a ton of different bacon items and products, such as chocolate-covered bacon and bacon chap stick (…).
This is also a great excuse to take the trek over to the Cradle of Aviation Museum, and aerospace and science museum featuring “75 air and spacecraft from a hot air balloon to an actual Apollo Lunar Module,” celebrating Long Island’s contribution to flight. Check it out!
MON 1: Would You Rather Comedy Game Show
Experiment Comedy Gallery, 20 Broadway, Brooklyn, 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM, $8
Would you rather play a sleepover party game with a bunch of hilarious drunk adults, or stay at home like a boring snoozer?
This show is at an experimental comedy gallery, which is the perfect location for a weirdo show like this one. Five comedians are given “would you rather” premises to riff on as a premise, which is just the beginning. They might tell jokes, or lead into stories, or any mix of the two. There’s also an open mic, so feel free to jump in with your own responses!
TUES 2: Home Brewing Essentials
Bitter & Esters, 700 Washington Ave, Brooklyn, 6:30-9:00, $55
I have two thoughts whenever I see that some dude’s profile says that he enjoys home brewing. First, I think that he’s probably pretentious. Then I realize that my assumption is probably based on the fact that I am terrifically jealous. Man, I love beer. I love beer more than wine or any kind of liquor and I’ll probably die with a frosty glass of wheat beer in my bitter old claw.
Now you and a lover or friend can make sweet beer together! No, don’t do that, sweet beer is gross. But beer! Bitter and Esters introduces novices to the methods behind beer brewing, and offer optional kits to get you started. Let me know what you end up brewing!
WEDS 3: The True History of the NYPD
Brooklyn Brainery,190 Underhill Ave, 8:30 PM – 10:00 PM, $12
If you’re at all like me, you have vague, nebulous, uncomfortable feelings about law enforcement in New York City, but you don’t have much context to draw on regarding its history how it really works. What exactly caused the steep decline in crime over the past decades? It can’t be one thing, right? Grab a friend and, for the cost of a falafel combo plate, learn all about NYC cops so the next time you see a police protest, you can explain it all to me.
If you’re in the mood for a wash of nostalgic “man I wish I was still learning stuff like back when I was in school,” check out the full calendar of events! Brooklyn Brainery is amazing.
THURS 4: Fairy Tale Fashion at FIT
Museum of FIT, 7th Avenue at 27 Street, 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Free
You don’t have to be into fashion to be into a trip to the FIT Museum. For one thing, it’s always free, and it’s in a super convenient location so it’s easy to duck in for a half an hour. For another thing, FIT exhibitions are always amazing! I mean, look at those dresses. I’m a person who owns approximately 20 outfit combinations in total who hates spending money on clothing, but I can appreciate an amazing design.
The clothing in this exhibition is, as should be obvious from the title, inspired by fairy tales. A stunning Alexander McQueen dress features copper-colored beads for Rapunzel’s golden hair, and a hunk of crystal that looks barely recognizable as a shoe stands in for Cinderella’s slipper. Check it out if you like fashion, pretty things, or just a free way to pass a chilly afternoon!