This week’s theme is: get outside! We’ve got two great gardening events (one culinary, one witchy) along with a summer concert and a big ol’ bike ride. Summer’s in full swing, so get swingin’! Fri 22: View from Above Exhibition Rabbithole Studio, 33 Washington St, Brooklyn, Continue reading →
Dressing For The Woman I Want To Feel Like
I went on a date recently. It’s my first date in an open relationship! This was extremely exciting. I’m still excited about it. Honestly, my first inclination was to have my boyfriend *Jihoon come over and help me pick out an outfit. If I could Continue reading →
Summer Date Duffel! Everything You Need to Date this Summer
I’m a winter person. I like bundling up in a warm sweater and sipping hot cocoa and snuggling and all that good stuff. I can still like summer for what it’s worth, though, mosquitos and all! I’m going on a lot of first dates these Continue reading →
Date Night #71: The Best Things to do this Week
Poetry, body paint, and braid bars. So many fun events this week, as always from our amazing city! It’s also supposed to be Manhattanhenge this Tuesday, but you’ll have to figure that one out on your own. 😉 Fri 8: Summer Friday Pop-Up Arrojo Williamsburg, 11 Continue reading →
Date Night #70: The Best Things to do This Week
It’s the 4th of July weekend! Time for getting outside and experiencing the summer before it gets so hot we all have to hide in our apartments until autumn! Fri 1: Holy Ghost Machine Gun! Arlene’s Grocery, 95 Stanton St, 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM, $10 Continue reading →
Date Night #68: The Best Things to do This Week
A couple of big events this week! Father’s Day is this Sunday, so many sure to call the old guy and give him some tools or something. One year I gave my father and stepfather both a special grill thing to make steaks and I’m Continue reading →
Walking A Thin, Slutty Line
Okay first of all, I am using the word “slutty” here in a totally sex-positive way. I mean it in a SlutWalk, I can wear what I want, I can have sex if I want just like a man can kind of way. My boyfriend Continue reading →
Date Night #67: The Best Things to do This Week
Okay, NOW we’re in proper summer. How can you tell? Beach volleyball! Hispanic festival! Parks ‘n Recs trivia! Okay, that last one if great whenever, but it’s still fun- so grab a buddy and head on out! Fri 10: IRTE Presents: Last Resort Producer’s Club, 358 Continue reading →
Date Night #66: The Best Things to do This Week
What spells summer fun? Is it Pitbull and potlucks and Pride? I believe so! Lots of fun events this week, so grab a date and head out! Fri 3: The Witness Premier IFC Center, 323 Sixth Avenue at West 3rd St, 12:00 PM, $16 As an Continue reading →
Date Night #64: The Best Things to do This Week
Oh man, there are events happening this week that are going to knock your socks off! From Kaufman Studios opening its unfathomable gates to a poker class to giant mountains of food, this is one week you’ll be happy to spend in NYC! Fri 20: Going Continue reading →