We’re heading into the NON-STOP HOLIDAY BONANZA that begins with Thanksgiving and ends when Valentine’s Day finally bonks us on the head and brutally reminds us of our romantic status. To celebrate the event commonly known as “turkey day,” I’ve grabbed some animal-friendly events that Continue reading →
Date Night #137: The Best Things to do This Week
Alright, alright, this summer girl is finally leaning into the fact that it’s actually autumn. I grabbed some fabulous ~autumnal~ events from you, like a spooky Friday 13th punk show, a pumpkin patch, and even pumpkin kegs (?) There are also some fund-raising events, because sometimes it feels Continue reading →
Date Night #130: The Best Things to do This Week
It’s the final few days of a fairly beautiful summer. There’s still plenty of stuff to do, but if you’re anything like me you’re at the end of your financial rope until that sweet Fall cash starts coming in (you’re all also adjunct university professors, Continue reading →
Date Night #126: The Best Things to do This Week
We’re inching into August this week, which means summer’s end is on the horizon. If you haven’t been to the beach yet, now’s the time! Fortunately we’ve got that coming up for you- and more! It’s a real grab bag this week! From theater to Continue reading →
Date Night #117: The Best Things to do This Week
Oooooh, it’s been rough weather these past few days! My “should my roommate help me put my A/C in?” quickly became “dare I re-bring out my winter clothes?” and has evolved into “what is this rain crap?” To honor this crappy weather, I have found Continue reading →
Date Night #111: The Best Things to do This Week
Happy Easter, everybody! So many fun events this week, from skating to lectures to wine to poetry. I forgot to do any Passover events last week, so let’s make it an atheist twofer as I completely neglect any Easter events. C’mon, you know what you’re Continue reading →
Date Night #110: The Best Things to do This Week
Wooo, it’s been a VERY April week! Rain! Nice weather! Rain! Nice weather! To celebrate the ~changability~ of the season, I’ve found a real variety of events! From a free improv show to a dance party, a SCIENCE THROWDOWN to a couple of boozy events, Continue reading →
Date Night #93: The Best Things to do This Week
The landscaping team lets us know that tonight will be the first frost. NOOOO! ETERNAL AUTUMN FOREVER! Weeeell, here’s a week’s worth of holiday warmth to ward off the frosty toes and hopefully the Grinch (me), too. Fri 9: Christmas Village in NYC 530 5th Ave, Continue reading →
Date Night #67: The Best Things to do This Week
Okay, NOW we’re in proper summer. How can you tell? Beach volleyball! Hispanic festival! Parks ‘n Recs trivia! Okay, that last one if great whenever, but it’s still fun- so grab a buddy and head on out! Fri 10: IRTE Presents: Last Resort Producer’s Club, 358 Continue reading →
Date Night #64: The Best Things to do This Week
Oh man, there are events happening this week that are going to knock your socks off! From Kaufman Studios opening its unfathomable gates to a poker class to giant mountains of food, this is one week you’ll be happy to spend in NYC! Fri 20: Going Continue reading →